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Pledges for the Future

Of the hundreds of people who walked in our 2024 Walk for Respect
parade through the streets of Adelaide on Saturday 14 September,
many also signed their pledge to the future.

We hope you are inspired by their words of support.


The Bystander Pledge

I will walk with you in the gutter
And fly with you in the clouds
I will hold your hand in the moonlight
And fend for you in the crowds

I will not judge, or place pressure
On why or what you do.
My role is just to be present
To be there only for you.

My Pledge

I will never remain silent when I hear or see anything
that could lead to domestic violence in any way.

I will continue to be a decent respectful person that treats others with dignity.

I will continue to speak up for those experiencing violence and coercion
from partners and former partners. I will continue to support those
survivors and those who support them.

I will bring awareness of domestic violence especially in families
where this is considered “normal” and “acceptable.”


I will respect my peers and my friends.

I will respect all around me.

I will work in law and Government, and in social media advertisement.

I will keep up the education about domestic and family violence in the workplace.

I will spread the word about stopping domestic violence
and take action to make the change.

I will take action! In prevention.

I will Respect everyone.

I will support and educate others to speak out.

I will continue to spread the word and speak up!

I will keep fighting and speak up!

I will speak up when I hear someone make derogatory comments
against women and girls.

I will continue respecting others the way
I want to be treated. DIGNITY AND RESPECT.

I will-Stand up. Speak up.
And respect women / children from DV

I will empower friends and family to achieve their goals,
not stopping them.

I will STAND UP.

I will always be better.

I will talk to people about DV and where possible
support any persons affected by DV.

I will respect emotionally and physically

Domestic violence has to stop. I will support the Government
to do the right thing against DV.

I will live a life that will demonstrate that we cannot reinforce gender roles.

I will pray for the leaders in Government to make legislation
stronger for penalties to support those suffering in DV.

Continue to fight for a world where people can live free
from threat of domestic, family and sexual violence.

I will pray for a change in Government re Domestic Violence.